For each 1ml contain 30 mg Meloxicam

or use in acute respiratory infections with adequate antibiotic therapy to reduce clinical signs in cattle; For use in diarrhea in combination with oral rehydration therapy to reduce clinical signs in calves over one week of age and ruminant calves; As auxiliary therapy in the treatment of acute mastitis, in combination with antibiotic therapy; For the relief of postoperative pain after dehorning in calves.
For use in non-infectious musculoskeletal disorders to reduce the symptoms of lameness and inflammation; As auxiliary therapy in the treatment of septicemia and puerperal toxemia (mastitis-metritis-agalactia syndrome) with adequate antibiotic therapy.

Reduced liver, heart or kidney function and haemorrhagic disorders; evidence of ulcerogenic gastrointestinal lesions; hypersensitivity to the active substance or to any of the excipients; use in animals less than one week of age (for the treatment of diarrhea in cattle).

Cattle: Subcutaneous 0.5 mg meloxicam per kg body weight (corresponding to 2.5 ml product per 150 kg body weight), once, in combination with appropriate antibiotic therapy or oral rehydration therapy, as appropriate.

Pigs: Intramuscular 0.4 mg meloxicam per kg body weight (corresponding to 2 ml product per 150 kg body weight), once, where necessary in combination with appropriate antibiotic therapy. If necessary, a second dose of meloxicam can be given after 24 hours. Avoid contamination during use. When handling groups of animals, the use of a transfer needle is recommended to avoid over-piercing of the stopper. The maximum number of broachs should be limited to 20 times.

In cattle and pigs, both subcutaneous and intramuscular administration are well tolerated; only minor transient swelling at the injection site after subcutaneous administration is seen in less than 10% of the cattle treated in the clinical study. In very rare cases anaphylactic reactions which can be serious (including fatal) may occur. These should be treated symptomatically.