Rot-delta pour on

Each 1 mL Contains :

DELTAMETHRIN…………………………………………………… 7.5 mg

Receiving…………………..c.s.p…………………………. 1 ml


Cattle, horses, sheep, goats, pigs and camelids.


Indicated for the control and treatment of infestations of the “horn fly” (Haematobia irritans), sucking and chewing lice (Haematopinus eurysternus, Solenopotes capillatus, among others) in cattle, sheep, goats, pigs and camelids; treatment and control of Melophagus ovinus and as a repellent for Stomoxys calcitrans (“brave fly”), tabanids, other flies and mosquitoes. Repellent action against insects in general. Its residual action is between 5 and 6 weeks. It is a powerful external antiparasitic, specially formulated for pour-on application (dorsal midline). It corresponds to a pyrethroid with proven insecticidal effect.


Spread the dose linearly from the withers to the lumbar area. Cattle: 10 mL/animal. For animals weighing more than 400 kg, the dose is 20 mL/animal. Sheep, goats and camelids (up to 45 days post-shearing): 5 mL/animal, after 45 days post-shearing 6-7 mL/animal. If the animal has long wool, open the fleece and apply directly to the skin. Pigs: 5 mL/animal. Equines: 20 mL/animal, distributed between the midline from the withers to the haunch (10 mL) and 5 mL in each flank. In cases of severe infestation, the dose can be increased according to the criteria of the Apply with the dispenser of the exclusive Pourmatic container, pouring the indicated dose onto the clean skin of the animal’s back, from the withers to the rump. Repeat the treatment after 35 days.


No less than 48 hours must elapse between the last treatment and slaughter or destination of milk for consumption or industrialization.


It has no incompatibilities nor is it toxic at the indicated doses. Avoid contact with the skin and mucous membranes by the operator. After use, wash hands and exposed areas with plenty of soap and water. SLIGHTLY TOXIC – IN CASE OF INGESTION OR INTOXICATION, TAKE THE PATIENT TO THE DOCTOR AND SHOW THE LABEL AND/OR BOX. Do not transport or store with food products, clothing or fodder. Keep out of the reach of children and pets. For external use only. DO NOT APPLY BY ANY OTHER MEANS. When carrying out the treatment, it is prudent to avoid hours of intense heat, cold or imminent rain.


Store in a cool, dry place, protected from light. Store between 8ºC and 30ºC. Keep out of the reach of children and pets.

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