Soluble Powder
For each 100gm
Vitamin C : 25 gm
Paracetamol : 25gm
Methionine : 1gm
Carrier ad : 100gm

– Improvement of immune system , production and growth rate . – Stimulation of egg production , shell quality , fertility and hatchability . MINERALS – Reduction of the mortality rate by its activity as antipyretic agent in all cases of fever such as acute bacterial and viral infection . – Prevention and treatment of stress caused by vaccination , heat stroke , high tempera ture or extreme temperature changes .

Oral administration via drinking water ..
– Poultry : 100 g in 200 liters , for 3 days .
– Cattle : 1 g / 10 kg of body weight , twice daily .

Meat 28 days.

1 kg