Rotovit-ES-100 Oral

Contains per ml:
Vitamin E, ɑ-tocopherol acetate…………….100 mg.
Sodium selenite………………………………….. 1 mg.
Solvents ad…………………………………………. 1 ml.

Vitamin E deficiencies (like encephalomalacia, muscular dystrophy, exudative diathesis, decreased
hatchability in eggs, infertility problems) in calves, cattle, goats, poultry, sheep and swine.
Prevention of iron-intoxication after administration of iron to piglets.

Vitamin E is a fat-soluble intracellular antioxidant, involved in stabilising unsaturated fatty acids.
The main antioxidant property is preventing formation of toxic free radicals and oxidation of the
unsaturated fatty acids in the body. These free radicals can be formed in periods of disease or
stress in the body. Selenium is an essential nutrient for animals. Selenium is a component of
the enzyme glutathione peroxidase, which plays an important role in the protection of cells by
destroying oxidising agents like free radicals and oxidated unsaturated fatty acids.

For oral administration:
Calves, goats and sheep: 1 ml per 40 kg body weight for 3 – 5 days.
Cattle: 1 ml per 80 kg body weight for 3 – 5 days.
Poultry and swine: 1 litre per 4000 litres of drinking water for 3 – 5 days.
Chicks ( < 21 days): 1 litre per 1000 – 2000 litres of drinking water for 3 – 5 days.


No undesirable effects are to be expected when the prescribed dosage regimen is followed.

Bottle of 100, 500 and 1000 ml.